[ADVANCED\]MAP_POLAR [GenericBegin [GenericEnd]] [/COMPUTE [Threshold]]
[/BACKGROUND Type Min Max] [/STEP Step Xfirst Yfirst] [/ANGLE Atype]
Derive or Display the Polarization fraction and Polarization angles images
from the (I,Q,U) Stokes images.
GenericBegin indicates the file name prefix, and GenericEnd the filename
postfix, including extension. The Stokes I (resp. Q, U) image is assumed to
be in 'GenericName'"-I"'GenericEnd'(resp. -Q and -U) The Polarization frac-
tion image will be called 'GenericBegin'"-P"'GenericEnd', while the Polar-
ization angle image is 'GenericBegin'"-A"'GenericEnd".
The default end is ".lmv-clean". However, when using with the Imager
PIPELINE, continuum images are in derived from the UV Table names by adding
+C before the file extension, so GenericEnd should be "+C.lmv-clean".
will simply display the current values of the "sticky" control parameters.