[ADVANCED\]UV_ADD ITEM [Mode] [/FILE FileIn FileOut]

      Compute  and  add  some  missing  information  in  a UV Table, such as the
    Doppler correction and the Parallactic Angle

    The information is derived from the Observatory coordinates, from the  Tele-
    scope  name in the input UV table. This can be supplied by the SPECIFY TELE-
    SCOPE command if not available.

    ITEM can take values DOPPLER, PARALLACTIC or * for both.

    Mode is a debug control integer which indicates in which column the informa-
    tion should be placed. The default is 0, i.e. the command  will  re-use  the
    column  of the appropriate type, or add it if not present.  It may be set to
    3, as often column 3 contains the Scan number, which is not a  relevant  in-
    formation for imaging.  Other values are at the user's peril...
