INTEGER  code  used  for backward compatibility with an older version of the
    UV_SHORT task, and also for test purpose.

    Allowed values are :

    -1  indicates to create a single UV table with columns for the Phase
        center offsets only
    -2  indicates to create a UV table with columns for the Pointing
        center offsets
    -3  indicates to create a UV table with the additional columns
        type being Pointing or Phase, as in the original UV_TABLE$
    -4  Allow to override the antenna diameter in the Telescope section
    +1  indicates to append to the initial UV table the short spacings
        with Phase center offsets (which must thus match the initial UV
        table shape)
    +2  indicates to append to the initial UV table the short spacings
        with Pointing center offsets (which must thus match the initial
        UV table shape)
    +3  indicates to append to the initial UV table the short spacings
        (The extra column type being determined automatically).
    +4  Allow to override the antenna diameter in the Telescope section

    The default value is 3, i.e. automatic merging with the current UV table.