[ADVANCED\]MAP_POLAR GenericBegin  [GenericEnd]  [/BACKGROUND  Type  Min
    Max] /STEP Step [Xfirst Yfirst]

    Specify the Step in pixels between adjacent display of polarization vectors.
    If not specified, or if 0, Step is empirically derived from the angular res-

    Xfirst and Yfirst indicate the starting pixel along the X and Y axis respec-
    tively,  allowing  a  controlled centering of the vector distribution on the
    background image.

    Type, Min, and Max, like Step, Xfirst, Yfirst are "sticky" (remanent):  they
    keep  the previous value until a new one is specified, or are reset to their
    default values by use of the /COMPUTE option.  Default is 0 for Step, 1  for
    Xfirst and Yfirst.