[ADVANCED\]MAP_POLAR  [GenericBegin  [GenericEnd]]  /ANGLE AType [/BACK-
    GROUND Type [Min Max]  [/STEP Step Xfirst Yfirst]

    Define which type of vector orientation is displayed. Atype can be
    POLAR   to give each vector the direction of the polarization
    BFIELD   to give each vector the "magnetic field" direction orientation  un-
    der the assumption of "usual" alignment mechanism. POLAR and BFIELD orienta-
    tions just differ by 90 dgrees.

    Beware that the interpretation of this difference is dependent on the actual
    polarization mechanism !.

    The  value is "sticky", and remains until a contradictory AType is given, or
    a MAP_POLAR /COMPUTE command is performed.

    If no argument is present, the command only sets the AType value.  If  argu-
    ments  are present, the display is done according to the specified arguments
    and options.