UV_FIT ResultTable
The UV_FIT results are stored in an internal table named UV_FIT. This table
can later be saved using command WRITE UV_FIT FileName. The table is orga-
nized as a M by N array, where M is the number of channels in the UV data
and the organization in N is the following:
N: P1 P2 P3 Vel A1 A2 A3 Par1 Err1 Par2 Err2 ... A1 A2 A3 Par1 Err1 ...
where P1 = RMS of the fitting process
P2 = number of supplied functions (NF$)
P3 = total number of parameter
Vel = velocity of the i-th channel (i lies between 1 and M)
A1 = 1 (for the first function), = 2 (for the second function)
A2 = function code (POINT = 1, E_GAUSS = 2, ... , POWER-3 = 8)
A3 = number of parameters of the function
Parx = result of the fit parameter (ordering as in input)
Errx = error of the fitting process for the parameter Parx
For example, fitting models with the two functions POINT and C_GAUSS produce
files with N=24 (4 headers + 3+2*3 for POINT + 3+2*4 for C_GAUSS, as the
POINT and C_GAUSS functions have 3 and 4 parameters respectively).
SHOW UV_FIT will display plots from this table.