[ADVANCED\]MASK [Key [Arguments ...] [/FROM InputCube]

      Handle  the  MASK buffer, which can be used to select regions for Cleaning
    (see SUPPORT /MASK) or to mask any data cube.

      Without argument (or with argument INTERACTIVE), an  interactive  tool  is
    used to manipulate the mask. Valid operations are
      ADD         Add a region to the mask
      APPLY       Apply the mask to a buffer
      CHECK       Check Clean and Mask consistency
      COLLAPSE    Collapse a 3D mask into 2D
      INITIALIZE  Initialize the Mask (2D or 3D)
      INTERACTIVE Interactively define mask planes Step by Step
      LABEL       Convert the mask values to numbered regions
      OVERLAY     Overlay the Mask to the Clean image
      READ        Read the Mask from a file
      REMOVE      Remove a region from the mask
      SHOW        Show the Mask (as SHOW MASK)
      THRESHOLD   Compute an automatic mask
      USE         Use the Mask in Clean (as SUPPORT /MASK)
      WRITE       Write the Mask on file (as WRITE MASK)
