UV_PREVIEW returns the list of possible line channels through variable
    PREVIEW%CHANNELS. If no line emission was identified at any scale, the  list
    is empty and the variable does not exist.

    With  this  list,  the  user can compute the continuum image, using commands
    UUM  and  the usual UV_MAP and CLEAN. Alternatively, the user can filter out
    the continuum emission using UV_BASELINE.

    If a catalog is present, UV_PREVIEW also creates  several  other  variables.
    PREVIEW%FOUND  indicates  the  spectral line falling in the frequency range,
    while PREVIEW%DETECTED indicates the dectected lines.  These two  structures
    have the following variables, e.g. for FOUND:
    PREVIEW%Found%FREQ     The line frequencies
    PREVIEW%Found%LINES    The line names
    PREVIEW%Found%SPECIES  The molecule name
    PREVIEW%EDGES and  PREVIEW%FREQUENCIES contains the start and end
    channels (for %EDGES, resp. frequencies for %FREQUENCIES) of each
    contiguous range of channels in PREVIOUS%CHANNELS. These variables
    are used for line identification and imaging in the
      @ image_lines

    Finally,  UV_PREVIEW returns in PREVIEW%FMIN PREVIEW%FMAX the frequency cov-
    erage, and in PREVIEW%FREQ the rest frequency of the  most  likely  spectral
    line  in the window, and in PREVIEW%LINES its name.  If no spectral line has
    been identified, PREVIEW%FREQ is just the  mean  of  PREVIEW%FMIN  and  PRE-
    VIEW%FMAX, and PREVIEW%LINES does not exist.