News and Releases


see Bugs and Release Notes section of online manual or in the PDF manual (documentation menu).

2023-09: Imager supports self-calibration for Mosaics (although not through the PIPELINE yet)

2023-09: A Simulator has been added (single planes or cubes, single fields or mosaics, multi-configuration but single array so far)

2024-01: Display scripts now working on non-standard cubes. Corrections on flagged data handling.

2024-04: Corrections on line identification algorithm in Pipeline mode.

Apr 2024 version 4.0-02 release

I-IMAGER,  Program version is 4.0-02  05-Apr-2024 
Language DISPLAY 1.9-09 05-Apr-2024 S.Guilloteau
Language CLEAN 6.8-02 10-Mar-2024 S.Guilloteau
Language CALIBRATE 1.9-04 09-Nov-2023 S.Guilloteau
Language ADVANCED 2.7-09 13-Nov-2023 S.Guilloteau
Language BUNDLES 1.6-07 31-Aug-2023 S.Guilloteau
Language IMAGER 1.2-92 13-Jul-2023 S.Guilloteau
Language SIMULATE 1.0-04 14-Sep-2023 S.Guilloteau