A GILDAS software
April, 5, 2024
Version 4.0-02
corresponding to code language versions:
      Language DISPLAY   1.9-09 05-Apr-2024  S.Guilloteau
      Language CLEAN     6.8-02 10-Mar-2024  S.Guilloteau
      Language CALIBRATE 1.9-04 09-Nov-2023  S.Guilloteau
      Language ADVANCED  2.7-09 13-Nov-2023  S.Guilloteau
      Language BUNDLES   1.6-07 31-Aug-2023  S.Guilloteau
      Language IMAGER    1.2-92 13-Jul-2023  S.Guilloteau
      Language SIMULATE  1.0-04 14-Sep-2023  S.Guilloteau

Questions? Comments? Bug reports? Mail to:
The GILDAS team and IMAGER developpers welcome an acknowledgment in publications
using GILDAS software and IMAGER to reduce and/or analyze data.
Please use the following reference in your publications:
and also when using IMAGER

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In charge: E. Di Folco (1)
Active contributor: S. Guilloteau (1)
In charge: S. Guilloteau (1)
Active contributor: S. Guilloteau (1)
1. Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Bordeaux


Throughout this document, colors are used to highlight the names of categories of entities:

Note: this is the on-line version of the IMAGER Manual. A PDF version is also available.

Related information on IMAGER is available in: