An imaging software for radio interferometry in the GILDAS environment
Dec, 4, 2024
Version 4.4-01
corresponding to code language versions:
Language DISPLAY 1.9-11 10-Oct-2024 S.Guilloteau
Language CLEAN 7.0-01 22-Nov-2024 S.Guilloteau
Language CALIBRATE 2.0-00 04-Sep-2024 S.Guilloteau
Language ADVANCED 2.9-02 30-Nov-2024 S.Guilloteau
Language BUNDLES 1.6-07 31-Aug-2023 S.Guilloteau
Language IMAGER 1.4-00 04-Sep-2024 S.Guilloteau
Language SIMULATE 1.0-04 14-Sep-2023 S.Guilloteau
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This work makes use of the
IMAGER and GILDAS software to reduce and
analyze the data (See and
- Documentation:
In charge: E. Di Folco (1)
Active contributor: S. Guilloteau (1)
- Software:
In charge: S. Guilloteau (1)
Active contributor: S. Guilloteau (1)
- Contributors:
Web Site design: T. Jacq (1)
Distribution: J. Penguen (2)
Tests: E. Chapillon (1,3)
1. Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Bordeaux, CNRS & Université de Bordeaux
2. Observatoire Aquitain des Sciences de l'Univers, CNRS & Université de Bordeaux
3. Institut de Radio Astronomie Millimétrique
Throughout this document, colors are used to highlight the names of categories of entities:
PROGRAM is a GILDAS program name.
Language\ is a SIC Language name
NAME is a command name, keyword or option
SICVAR is a SIC variable
ScriptName is an
IMAGER script (external text file) that can be executed by the
@ command
FileName is an external file, e.g. a data file.
Note: this is the on-line version of the IMAGER Manual.
A PDF version
is also available.
Related information on
IMAGER is available in: