IMAGER Bugs & Release Notes

An imaging software for radio interferometry in the GILDAS environment
Dec, 4, 2024
Version 4.4-01
corresponding to code language versions:
      Language DISPLAY   1.9-11 10-Oct-2024  S.Guilloteau
      Language CLEAN     7.0-01 22-Nov-2024  S.Guilloteau
      Language CALIBRATE 2.0-00 04-Sep-2024  S.Guilloteau
      Language ADVANCED  2.9-02 30-Nov-2024  S.Guilloteau
      Language BUNDLES   1.6-07 31-Aug-2023  S.Guilloteau
      Language IMAGER    1.4-00 04-Sep-2024  S.Guilloteau
      Language SIMULATE  1.0-04 14-Sep-2023  S.Guilloteau

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This work makes use of the IMAGER and GILDAS software to reduce and analyze the data (See and

In charge: E. Di Folco (1)
Active contributor: S. Guilloteau (1)
In charge: S. Guilloteau (1)
Active contributor: S. Guilloteau (1)
1. Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Bordeaux

Note on Documentation

This document contains the list of Changes and Bug tracking records for the IMAGER program. The IMAGER program documentation can be found here for the PDF version or there for the Web version


Throughout this document, colors are used to highlight the names of categories of entities:

Note: this is the on-line version of the IMAGER Bug and Change logs. A PDF version is also available.