[CLEAN\]UV_SPLIT [Degree [Compress]] /FILE FileIn [FileLine [FileCont]]
      [/CHANNELS Channel_List]
      [/FREQUENCY List Of Frequencies] [/RANGE Min Max [TYPE]]
      [/VELOCITY List of Velocities] [/WIDTH Width [TYPE]]

    "Split" the UV table found in file FileIn into a Continuum-free  one  (File-
    Line)  and  a Line-free continuum one (FileCont), using the ranges specified
    by one of the other options to indicate where  the  line  emission  is  (see
    UV_BASELINE  and  UV_FILTER for details).  The channels can be specified ei-
    ther by the /FREQUENCY or /VELOCITY options in combination with  the  /WIDTH
    option,  or  by  a channel list with /CHANNELS or a range (of channels, fre-
    quencies or velocities) with /RANGE.

    Degree is the baseline fit degree (0 or at most 1).  Compress is the  number
    of line channels averaged together while producing the pure continuum (Line-
    free) visibilities.

    The command only works with files: option /FILE is mandatory.

    With  only  /FILE  as  option,  the command behaves as UV_SPLIT /FILE FileIn
    [FileLine [FileCont]] /CHANNELS Preview%Channels.  See  UV_PREVIEW  for  de-
    tails about Preview%Channels.
