UV_MAP Variables:

                [CLEAN\]UV_MAP ?
        Will list all MAP_* variables controlling the UV_MAP parameters.

    The  list of control variables is (by alphabetic order, with the correspond-
    ing old names used by Mapping on the right)

    New names       [   unit]       -- Description --    % Old Name
    BEAM_STEP       [       ]  Channels per dirty beam  % MAP_BEAM_STEP
    MAP_CELL        [ arcsec]  Image pixel size
    MAP_CENTER      [ string]  RA, Dec of map center, and Position Angle
    MAP_CONVOLUTION [       ]  Convolution function     % CONVOLUTION
    MAP_FIELD       [ arcsec]  Map field of view
    MAP_POWER       [       ]  Maximum exponent of 3 and 5 allowed in MAP_SIZE
    MAP_PRECIS      [       ]  Fraction of pixel tolerance on beam matching
    MAP_ROBUST      [       ]  Robustness factor        % UV_CELL[2]
    MAP_ROUNDING    [       ]  Precision of MAP_SIZE
    MAP_SIZE        [       ]  Number of pixels
    MAP_TAPEREXPO   [       ]  Taper exponent           % TAPER_EXPO
    MAP_UVCELL      [      m]  UV cell size             % UV_CELL[1]
    MAP_UVTAPER     [m,m,deg]  Gaussian taper           % UV_TAPER
    MAP_VERSION     [       ]  Code version (0 new, -1 old)
    MOSAIC_BEAM     [       ]  Mosaic truncation level  % MAP_TRUNCATE

    See HELP UV_MAP Old_names:  for deprecated variable names.