[CLEAN\]MAP_RESAMPLE WhichOne [Nc Ref Val Inc] [Result] [/LIKE Mold]
Resample 3-D data cubes on a different velocity scale.
Nc new number of channels
Ref New reference pixel
Val New velocity at reference pixel
Inc Velocity increment
WhichOne indicates which data cube must be compressed. Allowed values are
- Built-in buffers DIRTY, CLEAN, SKY, SINGLE or *, which means all
of the previous existing ones. Resampling is done in place.
- Any SIC Image Variable that is not a built-in buffer in IMAGER.
- A GILDAS data file
For the two later cases, the Result argument indicates where the resampled
data cube is stored. Result can be a file name or an existing SIC variable
of adequate dimensions.
MAP_RESAMPLE only works on 3-D data cubes.