[DISPLAY\]FIND Fmin Fmax [/SPECIES Name]

    Select  spectral lines in the range Fmin to Fmax (in MHz) and return them in
    the LINES% structure.

    LINES%SPECIES contains the name of the species for  each  line.   LINES%FRE-
    QUENCY  holds  its  frequency  in  MHz.   LINES%LINES contains the full line
    names, including the transition.  LINES%PLOT contains the string to be  used
    in graphic display, with codes for superscripts and subscrips when needed.

    The sign of LINES%N encodes the number of selected lines and type of catalog
    which was used.

    The rest of the structure depends on the catalog type.

    If  the catalog is in the ASTRO format, LINES%N is negative and contains the
    opposite of the number of lines.

    If the catalog is in the LINEDB  format  (see  HELP  LINEDB\  for  details),
    LINE%N  is  positive and contains the number of selected lines. Quantum num-
    bers, energy levels and line strengths are also available in this case,  al-
    lowing a more precise selection.
