character(len=20) :: v_cal       ! CALIBRATE
  ! CALIBRATE\ Language versions  v_cal
  v_cal = '1.0-01 03-Jul-2018' ! Split with CALIBRATE\ language
  v_cal = '1.1-01 07-Jul-2018' ! /MINVAL option instead of /MINFLUX for MODEL
  v_cal = '1.2-01 20-Mar-2019' ! Rename command FLUX_SCALE into SCALE_FLUX
  v_cal = '1.3-01 16-Jul-2019' ! Command COLLECT
  v_cal = '1.3-02 16-Jul-2019' ! Command DERIVE
  v_cal = '1.4-01 03-Sep-2019' ! Move STATISTIC command to this language
  v_cal = '1.4-02 06-Sep-2019' ! Implement UV_SELECT selection command
  v_cal = '1.4-03 13-Sep-2019' ! Move UV_SORT command to this language
  v_cal = '1.4-04 26-Sep-2019' ! APPLY command modification ((weights and flags, r1.11)
  v_cal = '1.5-01 08-Nov-2019' ! COLLECT /FLAG option and bug correction
  v_cal = '1.6-01 17-Jan-2020' ! FIND Fmin Fmax command
  v_cal = '1.7-01 19-Mar-2020' ! MODEL /MODE IMAGE  implemented.
  v_cal = '1.7-04 13-May-2020' ! MODEL command defines UV_MODEL
  v_cal = '1.7-05 26-May-2020' ! Finish MODEL /MODE IMAGE implementation
  v_cal = '1.7-06 15-Sep-2020' ! Add time tolerance in command APPLY
  v_cal = '1.8-00 28-Oct-2021' ! Move STATISTIC command to DISPLAY\ language
  v_cal = '1.8-01 11-Jan-2022' ! Protect MODEL against undefined data units.
  v_cal = '1.8-02 17-Jan-2022' ! Add the Frequency keyword to MODEL /MODE
  v_cal = '1.8-03 13-Dec-2022' ! Make MODEL works on Mosaics
  v_cal = '1.8-04 15-Dec-2022' ! Make UV_MAP /FIELD works for Mosaics
  v_cal = '1.9-00 03-May-2023' ! Add PLAIT command
  v_cal = '1.9-02 24-Jul-2023' ! UV_SELF supports Mosaics now
  v_cal = '1.9-03 03-Oct-2023' ! UV_SELF no longer works on "pseudo-continuum" data
  v_cal = '1.9-04 09-Nov-2023' ! UV_SELF should force weight recomputation when starting.
  v_cal = '2.0-00 04-Sep-2024' ! AMPLITUDE command