character(len=20) :: v_display ! Display ! DISPLAY\ Language versions v_display v_display = '1.0-00 21-Oct-2021' ! First DISPLAY\ Language v_display = '1.2-00 23-Oct-2021' ! Also move EXPLORE here v_display = '1.3-00 23-Oct-2021' ! Also move STATISTIC here v_display = '1.3-01 10-Nov-2021' ! Improve CATALOG command v_display = '1.4-00 18-Nov-2021' ! STATISTIC /UPDATE command v_display = '1.4-01 23-Nov-2021' ! Allow re-entrant calls for STATISTIC v_display = '1.5-00 10-Jan-2022' ! LOAD command v_display = '1.5-01 30-Jan-2022' ! Improve CATALOG command v_display = '1.5-06 16-May-2022' ! Ensure STATISTIC works correctly on big data v_display = '1.6-00 14-Oct-2022' ! Include the SPECTRUM command calling GreG code v_display = '1.6-01 15-Oct-2022' ! Include the POPUP command v_display = '1.6-02 04-Nov-2022' ! Include the SET command v_display = '1.6-03 07-Nov-2022' ! Add the /DEFAULT option to the SET command v_display = '1.7-00 08-Nov-2022' ! Move the EXTRACT and SLICE command here v_display = '1.7-01 05-Jan-2023' ! SHOW MOSAIC v_display = '1.8-00 23-Jan-2023' ! /DIRECTORY option of all effective Display commands v_display = '1.8-01 25-Jan-2023' ! SHOW UV-Like data v_display = '1.8-02 25-Jan-2023' ! SLICE can call the cursor if no arg. v_display = '1.9-00 25-Jan-2023' ! Add the COMPARE command v_display = '1.9-01 08-Mar-2023' ! EXTRACT was not handling ANGLE_UNIT correctly v_display = '1.9-02 02-Jun-2023' ! FIND /CHECK option v_display = '1.9-03 12-Jul-2023' ! CATALOG /SORT option v_display = '1.9-04 21-Jul-2023' ! Improved COMPARE command v_display = '1.9-05 25-Jul-2023' ! Improve STATISTIC command for Mosaics v_display = '1.9-06 25-Jul-2023' ! SHOW /OVERLAY command v_display = '1.9-07 09-Jan-2024' ! Better SHOW & VIEW of non standard data cubes (scripts only) v_display = '1.9-08 05-Mar-2024' ! STATISTIC /FILE command v_display = '1.9-09 05-Apr-2024' ! SHOW COMPOSITE improvement v_display = '1.9-10 05-May-2024' ! LOAD File WRITE v_display = '1.9-11 05-Jul-2024' ! SET FORMAT command v_display = '1.9-11 18-Jul-2024' ! SHOW PV|NOISE Buffer v_display = '1.9-11 10-Oct-2024' ! VIEW File /NOPAUSE bug correction