The script @ fits_to_uvt handles the conversion from UVFITS to uv table format. The steps in GILDAS involve

  1. Converting UVFITS to UVT
  2. Collapsing the polarization information
  3. Adjusting the weights to properly estimate the noise
  4. Identify and flag bad data
  5. Setting the frequency and velocity references
It also handles some nasty details, like the source coordinates being hidden in different places depending on the CASA version.

BUG: However, as mentionned in SectionA.4, CASA has a bug since version 4.7 that occasionally leaves the UVFITS file incomplete. IMAGER attempts to handle these files, and usually recover all visibilities (except the last one on some occasions). However, the phase center and pointing coordinates are then missing. To add them, using the UV_FIELDS is required, but this cannot be automated.

Fortunately, it seems the problem only occurs on strange configurations, such as some that include the "single-dish" antennas (PM0i with \(i\) 1 to 4).