In a nutshell

  1  read uv gag_demo:demo-mosaic-imager.uvt
  2  read single
  3  uv_short
  4  uv_map; clean
  5  view clean
  6  write * MyDemo
  1. Read your uv data
  2. read your single-dish data
  3. Merge it with with the uv data set,
  4. Image and deconvolve as usual
  5. check the result. You can use CLEAN as argument to SHOW or VIEW: IMAGER will automatically fall back to SKY if needed (and vice versa).
  6. Save it.
You are done. This works for mosaics as well as single fields.

But, again, if the result are crazy, do not blame the software. Rather read carefully the information below: UV_SHORT is simple to use, but can be tricky to use well !...