In a nutshell

  1  read uv gag_demo:demo-mosaic-imager.uvt
 (2)  read single
 (3)  uv_short
 (4)  mosaic
  5  uv_map
  6  clean
 (7) fit /jvm;  uv_restore
  8  show sky
  9  write * MyDemo
  1. Read your uv data
  2. Optionally, read your single-dish data
  3. Optionally, merge it with with the uv data set, by using the single-dish data to provide short spacings for the interferometer data.
  4. Optionally, switch to a different Mosaic method (see 7.4)
  5. Image as usual
  6. deconvolve as usual
  7. Optionally, improve result by refining the residuals
  8. look at it
  9. Save the result.
You are done. If the uv data set is a Mosaic data set, it works as if it is a single-field, except that the result appears as the SKY brightness distribution, because it is always corrected for primary beams.

Now, if the result is crazy, do not blame the software. Rather read carefully the information below: Mosaics and UV_SHORT are simple to use, but can be tricky to use well !...