Deconvolution parameters are controlled by CLEAN_* variables. Progress has been made on automatic guess for Cleaning parameters. The table below presents the current naming scheme, with previous or equivalent names mentioned in parentheses, since these names were (or are still) used by several older packages such as MAPPING, AIPS or CASA. The equivalent ”old” names (mentioned in Upper case below) will remain as aliases, while those mentioned in mixed case have disappeared as they were seldom used before.
CLEAN_STOP | Stopping value and its Unit | |
CLEAN_ARES | Absolute residual (ARES) | |
CLEAN_FRES | Fractional residual (FRES) | |
CLEAN_GAIN | Loop gain (GAIN) | |
CLEAN_INFLATE | Inflation factor allowed to display MultiScale clean components | |
CLEAN_METHOD | Cleaning Method (METHOD) | |
CLEAN_NCYCLE | Maximum number of Major cycles (Nmajor) | |
CLEAN_NITER | Maximum number of iterations (NITER) | |
CLEAN_NGOAL | A number of components for ALMA joint deconvolution only (Ngoal) | |
CLEAN_NKEEP | Number of iterations used to check convergence (see below) | |
CLEAN_POSITIVE | Minimum number of positive Clean components | |
CLEAN_RATIO | Ratio for Dual Resolution clean (Ratio) | |
CLEAN_SCALES | Gaussian sizes for GAUSS method, in arcsecond. | |
CLEAN_SEARCH | Minimum primary beam threshold for searching (Search_W) | |
CLEAN_SMOOTH | Smoothing factor for Multi Scale Clean (Smooth) | |
CLEAN_SPEEDY | Speeding factor for Clark (Spexp) | |
CLEAN_TRUNCATE | Minimum primary beam threshold for restoring (Restore_W) | |
CLEAN_WORRY | "Worry" factor for Clark (Worry) |