[ADVANCED\]HOW_TO solve a simple problem
Ask IMAGER informations to help you solving your problem, expressed in a
natural way. Examples
HOW do i subtract continuum ?
HOW do i control the display ?
- simple words ("do" "i" "?" "the", etc...) are ignored. You can just
type them to have a normal syntax in your question.
- all significant words (e.g. "subtract" and "continuum") must be
found to have a matching topic.
- significant words use exact matching. "continuum" is not the same as
- partial match is possible if a significant word ends up by *.
"cont*" will match "continuum".
- if no topic matches all significant words, a list of partial matches
is given to guide you. Use a simpler question with less significant
words among those proposed.
will list all topics