Apply gain solution (in AMPLITUDE, DELAY or PHASE) and flag data without a
corresponding valid gain solution.
If the Threshold argument is present, all data with a correction exceeding
that threshold are also flagged. This can be useful to filter out antennas
that have unstable gains. A threshold of 90 degrees in phase, or 1.3 in am-
plitude may be appropriate.
The optional Gain argument has no effect on the Threshold: it is always the
gain value in the CGAINS array that is compared to the Threshold.
USEFUL TRICK: If you forgot to flag the data while applying the self-cali-
bration gain solution, you can still do it a posteriori without changing the
amplitude and/or phase by using command
APPLY MODE 0 /FLAG Threshold
where MODE is any of AMPLI, DELAY or PHASE.