Apply gain solution computed by MODEL and SOLVE (which are called im-
plicitely by SELFCAL) or obtained by READ CGAINS to the current UV data.
The optional arguments indicate whether this should be an AMPLITUDE, DELAY
or PHASE gain, and what Gain value is used (in range 0 to 1). A DELAY gain
is derived from a Phase self-calibration assuming the Phase errors represent
pathlength changes (i.e. delays): phase solution is scaled with the Fre-
quency ratio of the self-calibration and UV data to be calibrated.
If no argument is given, the current SELF_MODE (see HELP SELFCAL) is used,
and the gain is 1.0.
The /FLAG option controls whether data without a valid gain solution are
kept unchanged or flagged. You can actually flag data on this basis even
without applying the self-calibration solution.