[CLEAN\]UV_TRACKS ... /WEIGHT Mode [JyPerK Bandwidth] /TABLE [Name
[/FRAME Size]] [/HOUR_ANGLE Hmin [Hmax]] [/HORIZON Elmin] [/INTEGRATION t]
In the output UV table, the weight is by default constant, equal to 1. This
can be modified using the /WEIGHT Mode option. Mode can be UNIFORM (constant
weight), AIRMASS (weight proportional to airmass^-2, i.e. to sin(eleva-
tion)^2) or FULL.
With the option /WEIGHT FULL the weights are computed from the system tem-
perature, derived from the frequency and receiver temperature. This option
requires two additional arguments to specify the antenna gain (conversion
from Jy to K, about 30 for ALMA below 350 GHz, between 22 and 35, depending
on the frequency for NOEMA) and the channel width (in MHz). The frequency is
derived from variable FREQUENCY. If FREQUENCY is equal to FREQ_SIG, the im-
age frequency defined by FREQ_IMA and sideband gain ration (GAIN_IMAGE) are
also used as in the ATM command. Else, GAIN_IMAGE is set to zero.