[CLEAN\]UV_CONTINUUM [Naver] [/INDEX Value [Frequency]]
      [/RANGE Min Max TYPE]

    Transform  the (presumably spectral line) UV data set loaded by READ UV into
    a "continuum" data set.

    The transformation selects line channels defined by the /RANGE option, aver-
    age them by groups of Naver contiguous channels, and concatenate the result-
    ing visibilities into a "continuum" UV table.  If not present, Naver is  de-
    rived  from  the  current  field  of  view MAP_FIELD and required precision,
    MAP_PRECIS to avoid bandwidth smearing at field egdes.

    For each output channel, and for all visibilities, the U and  V  coordinates
    are  rescaled  to  the  mean observing frequency, and the resulting (single-
    channel) visibilities are concatenated into the "continuum" UV data set. The
    continuum dataset becomes the current UV data. Flagged channels are ignored:
    this allows to mask channels containing spectral lines (see UV_FILTER).

    If no /RANGE option is defined, all channels are selected.
