[CLEAN\]UV_COMPRESS [Nc]  [/CONTINUUM] [/FILE FileIn FileOut]

    Resample the UV data by averaging NC adjacent channels.

    With no /FILE option, the current UV table obtained by READ UV is resampled.
    All further UV commands work on the "Resampled" UV table.   The  "Resampled"
    UV  table  is  a simple copy of the original one after a READ UV command, or
    after a UV_RESAMPLE or UV_COMPRESS commands with no  arguments  and  no  op-

    With  the  /FILE option, the UV data is read from file FileIn and the resam-
    pled output is written in file FileOut.

    With the /CONTINUUM option, the argument can be omitted, and the best  value
    for  Nc is derived from the current field of view, to avoid bandwidth smear-
