READ Buffers

        [CLEAN\]READ Buffer File [/COMPACT]

      The recognized Buffer names for READ are:
      BEAM        Synthesized Dirty beam
      CCT         Clean Component list
      CGAINS      Complex gains for APPLY command
      CLEAN       Deconvolved Clean image
      DIRTY       Dirty image
      PRIMARY     Primary beam
      RESIDUAL    Residual image
      MASK        Spatial mask
      MODEL       UV table for Clean components
      SINGLEDISH  Single-Dish table or data cube
      SKY         Primary beam-corrected deconvolved sky brightness
      SUPPORT     Polygon enclosing the Support for Cleaning
      UV          Same as UV_DATA
      UV_DATA     UV data table
      UV_FIT      UV_FIT results table (for SHOW UV_FIT)
    The MODEL UV table is for use in conjunction with commands in the CALIBRATE\
    language, i.e. for Self-Calibration.

    The following ones are allowed with the /COMPACT option
      BEAM        Synthesized Dirty beam
      DIRTY       Dirty image
      PRIMARY     Primary beam
      RESIDUAL    Residual image
      UV_DATA     UV data table