[CLEAN\]READ Buffer File /RANGE Min Max Type

    Load only the channels between the First and Last defined  by  Min  Max  and
    Type.   Type  can be CHANNEL, VELOCITY or FREQUENCY. If the Data cube has no
    Frequency/Velocity axis, only CHANNEL is allowed.

    For type CHANNEL, Min and Max indicate offsets from Channel  1  and  Channel
    Nchan (the number of channels in the data set). Thus Max can be negative: it
    then  indicates  Last  = Nchan-Max. Also Min=0 and Max=0 implies loading all
    the channels.

    The /RANGE option is not allowed for FITS files.

    For UV tables with more than 1 Stokes parameter,  which  are  **NOT**  fully
    supported by IMAGER, the meaning of "channel" is ambiguous.