
        Basic CLEAN parameters
    CLEAN_GAIN       [       ] Loop gain
    CLEAN_STOP       [       ] Stopping criterium (string)
    CLEAN_NITER      [       ] Maximum number of clean components
    CLEAN_FRES       [      %] Maximum value of residual (Fraction of peak)
    CLEAN_ARES       [Jy/Beam] Maximum value of residual (Absolute)
    CLEAN_POSITIVE   [       ] Minimum number of positive components at start
    CLEAN_NKEEP      [       ] Min number of components before convergence

    Clean beam user specification
    BEAM_SIZE       [ 0 0 0 ] Major, Minor (in arcsec) and PA (in Degree)

    Method dependent CLEAN parameters
    CLEAN_INFLATE    [      ] Maximum Inflation factor for UV_RESTORE (MULTISCAL
    CLEAN_NCYCLE     [      ] Max number of Major Cycles (SDI & CLARK methods)
    CLEAN_NGOAL      [      ] Max number of comp. in Cycles (ALMA method)
    CLEAN_RATIO      [      ] Smoothing factor (MRC default 0: guess, otherwise
    CLEAN_SIDELOBE   [      ] Min threshold to fit the synthesized beam
    CLEAN_SMOOTH     [      ] Smoothing ratio: MRC (def 2 or 4)  and MULTISCALE
    CLEAN_SPEEDY     [      ] Speed-up factor (CLARK)
    CLEAN_WORRY      [      ] Worry factor (CLARK and MULTISCALE)

    Mosaic related parameters
    MOSAIC_SEARCH    [      ] Threshold to search Clean Comp. in a Mosaic (def 0
    MOSAIC_TRUNCATE  [      ] Threshold to mask outer regions in a Mosaic (def 0

    Old (seldom used) names like in MAPPING
    BLC              [  pixel] Bottom left corner of cleaning box
    TRC              [  pixel] Top right corner of cleaning box
    BEAM_PATCH       [  pixel] Size of cleaning beam ** not clear **

    Restoration control CLEAN parameters
    CLEAN_RESIDUAL   [-1,0,1]  Control how residuals are added or not - For debu