
      CLEAN\ Language Summary

      The  CLEAN\  Language contains commands related to UV data handling, UV to
    DataCubes conversion and DataCube processing.

    ALMA          : Joint deconvolution of ALMA and ACA dirty images
    BUFFERS       : List and Display the known buffer status
    CCT_CLEAN     : Compute CLEAN image from Clean Component Table, without resi
    CCT_CONVERT   : Convert an image into a Clean Component Table
    CCT_MERGE     : Merge two Clean Component Tables
    CLEAN         : Deconvolve a dirty image using the current METHOD
    DISCARD       : Discard one of the active data buffers
    DUMP          : Dump the control parameters of the deconvolution algorithms
    FIT           : Fit the dirty beam
    LOG           : LOG "command argument" B|F|S
    MAP_CONVOLVE  : Spatially Smooth a data Cube
    MAP_COMBINE   : Combine two data Cubes
    MAP_COMPRESS  : Average a Cube by several channels
    MAP_INTEGRATE : Compute a Moment 0 Map
    MAP_REPROJECT : Spatial resampling of a Cube
    MAP_RESAMPLE  : Resample a Cube on a different Velocity/Frequency scale
    MAP_SMOOTH    : Smooth by N channels
    MOSAIC        : Change the mosaic processing mode
    MX            : Iteratively image and deconvolve a dirty image
    PRIMARY       : Apply primary beam correction
    READ          : Read the input files in internal buffers
    SPECIFY       : Change Frequency / Velocity /Unit scale or the Telescope
    SUPPORT       : Define the support used to search clean components
    UV_BASELINE   : Subtract a continuum baseline from a Line UV data
    UV_CHECK      : Check UV data for null visibilities or per channel flags.
    UV_COMPRESS   : Compress a Line UV data into another Line UV data
    UV_CONTINUUM  : Compress a Line UV data into a Continuum UV data
    UV_EXTRACT    : Extract a range from
    UV_FILTER     : Filter out (line) channels
    UV_FLAG       : Interactively flag UV data
    UV_MAP        : Build the dirty image and beam from a UV table
    UV_RESAMPLE   : Resample (in Velocity) the UV data
    UV_RESIDUAL   : Subtract Clean Component from the UV Data
    UV_RESTORE    : Restore a Clean image from UV data and Clean Components
    UV_REWEIGHT   : Evaluate UV weights from visibility statistics
    UV_SHIFT      : Shift a UV table to common phase center
    UV_SMOOTH     : Smooth spectrally a Line UV data
    UV_SPLIT      : Split a UV table into Line and Continuum
    UV_STAT       : Gives beam sizes and noise properties as a function of
                     tapering or robust weighting parameter
    UV_TIME       : Time average the current UV data
    UV_TRACKS     : Simulate a UV coverage
    UV_TRIM       : Suppress useless information from UV data
    UV_TRUNCATE   : Truncate the baseline range of the UV data
    WRITE         : Save internal buffers or Image variables onto output files