SHOW Keywords:

    SHOW recognizes the following keywords
      BEAM        Synthesized beam(s)
      CCT         Clean Cumulative Flux
      COMPOSITE   Moments + Flux
      COVERAGE    UV Coverage
      FLUX        Integrated spectra over defined regions
      INTENSITY   Like NOISE, but in LOG scale
      KEPLER      Radial profile and PV diagram of a Keplerian disk
      MOMENTS     0th,1st,2nd moments + peak value
      MOSAIC      Display Mosaic characteristics
      NOISE       per channel noise
      PRIMARY     Primary beam(s)
      PV          Position-Velocity plot
      SED         Spectral Energy Distribution
      SELFCAL     Self-Calibration corrections
      SNR         Signal to noise (for Mosaics)
      SOURCES     Clean component positions
      SPECTRA     Spectra on a 2-D map-like grid
      UV          UV data
      UV_FIT      Results of the UV_FIT command

    SHOW calls the appropriate procedures for each action
      p_show_map       for data cubes
      p_show_beam      for BEAM and PRIMARY cubes
      p_show_cct       for CCT (Clean Component Tables)
      p_show_composite for Composite display (Moments + Flux)
      p_show_flux      for FLUX
      p_show_moments   for MOMENTS
      p_show_noise     for NOISE
      p_lmv_map        for PV
      p_show_sed       for SED
      p_show_selfcal   for SELFCAL
      p_show_tcc       for SOURCES (Clean Component Positions)
      p_spectra        for SPECTRA
      p_uvshow_sub     for UV_DATA data
      p_plotfit        for UV_FIT data (UV_FIT results)