[DISPLAY\]EXPLORE   [DataCube] [/ADD Cx Cy [Box]] [/NOPAUSE] [/DIRECTORY

    Create a plot with a 2-D map in the middle, and up to 8 spectra around it.

    DataCube is the name of an internal 3-D buffer, SIC variable or  data  file.
    The 2-D map will be either a channel of this 3-D data set, or a velocity in-
    tegrated  map obtained from it. It will displayed at the center of the plot.
    If not present, argument DataCube keeps its previous value.

    Spectra can be displayed around, with arrows showing their position  in  the
    map, either interactively (when the /NOPAUSE option is not present), or man-
    ually  through the /ADD option. In interactive mode, the user can press S to
    extract and display the spectrum from any place in the 2-D map.

    EXPLORE ?  will list the control variables for this command. The usual  SIZE
    and  CENTER control the 2-D map size, RANGE controls the velocity range, and
    SCALE the spectral flux range.
