Simulating Observations

IMAGER offers a simple, but powerful, simulation tool that allows users to process an input data cube (from a model, or other observations) as if it was observed by an array.

This is done through the SIMULATE command, that uses commands in the SIMULATE\ language to mimick the whole observation process. This involves

The simulator estimates whether a Mosaic is required and the corresponding fields layout. A \(uv\) coverage is derived from the source declination, array configuration and hour angle coverage. Model visibilities are then computed from the model plane or cube. Noise is added to the model visibilities, and ultimately the produced simulated UV data can be imaged.

Up to now, the Simulator has no tool to predict the expected noise level from the observation characteristics. It is the user responsibility to specify the sensitivity in accordance to the expected array performance. The ASTRO program in the GILDAS suite, or the on-line time/sensitivity estimators that are available for most arrays (in particular NOEMA and ALMA) are possible tools make this estimation. Just beware of being consistent between the required Hour angle coverage, Bandwidth and the Noise.

Fig.19 shows an example of Mosaicing pattern and UV coverage using two ALMA configurations. Note the change of declination between the model source and the `observed” direction.

Figure: Windows created by the SIMULATE command.
Image simu-fields Image simu-tracks

Try the @ gag_demo:demo-simulate for a demonstration on the Simulator usage. Use HELP SIMULATE for further details.