
      DISPLAY\ Language summary

    The DISPLAY\ Language contains commands to display data cubes and results
    in a flexible, interactively controlled or scripted way. Available commands:

    CATALOG       : Define the spectral line catalog to identify transitions
    COLOR         : Control the color LUT to highlight the Zero level
    COMPARE       : Visually compare 2 data cubes
    FIND          : Search for spectral lines in the specified range
    LOAD          : Read a file in the DATA area for further display
    EXPLORE       : Explore a data cube: make a plot of spectra around a 2-D map
    EXTRACT       : Extract a subset from a data cube
    INSPECT_3D    : Visualize any data cube by cuts along 3 main directions
    POPUP         : Enlarge one panel of a display
    SET           : Set some IMAGER or GreG parameter
    SHOW          : Display (in a plane by plane plot) any data cube or
                    other results from the IMAGER program.
    SLICE         : Extract a Slice of the specified data cube
    SPECTRUM      : Compute integrated spectrum from data cube
    STATISTIC     : Compute Statistics on specified data
    VIEW          : Show (in a comprehensive plot) any data cube

    Commands  EXPLORE, INSPECT_3D, SHOW and VIEW remember and share the same in-
    put data for their display (e.g. SHOW CLEAN, followed by EXPLORE  will  work