the SELFCAL SHOW command

Verifying the convergence of a self-calibration is important. Figure 15 shows an example, while Fig.16 shows the total phase correction between the original data and the last iteration.

Figure: The SELFCAL SHOW output after a phase calibration, showing the convergence of the corrections between the last 2 iterations.
Image self-phase
Figure: The SELFCAL SHOW 4 output after a phase calibration, showing the difference between iteration 4 and the original data.
Image self-phase-total

The displayed range can be controlled by variables SELF_PRANGE[2] for the Phase, SELF_ARANGE[2] for the Amplitude, and SELF_TRANGE[2] for the Time. Error bars are displayed if ERROR_BARS is YES, as shown in Fig.17 for amplitude.

Figure: The SELFCAL SHOW 4 output after an amplitude self calibration, showing the difference between iteration 4 and the original data, with the error bars.
Image self-ampli-total