Quality assessment and data flagging

Validation of the solution
One of the difficulties of self-calibration is to evaluate whether it has improved the image or not. The self-calibration solution is biased towards the assumed model. If used with insufficient signal to noise, it will tend to produce a point source at the initial peak position, and the bias will be of order of the noise. This may be inappropriate. Currently, the validity of the self-calibration solution is based on the estimated signal to noise ratio for the gains at each time step. If that SNR is below a user-controlled threshold (by default, SELF_SNR=6), the corresponding data is flagged (default value: SELF_FLAG=YES) or kept WITHOUT self calibration (if SELF_FLAG=NO).
Flagging or not flagging ?
The decision to flag or not results from a trade-off: Both options may be explored, and it is recommended to check afterwards the final angular resolution with and without flagging. It is however recommended to use SELF_FLAG \(=\) No for Mosaics, in order to keep the best possible UV coverage for every field.

The following scheme is proposed to check the validity of the self-calibration solution:

From our experience, the number of loops SELF_NLOOP does not impact much the quality of the solution, and 2 to 3 iterations are usually sufficient.

Warning: the comparison with theoretical noise relies on a proper scaling of the weights of the UV data. This is fine for the IRAM array, but data exported from CASA is not always correct in this respect. UV_PREVIEW can warn you about potential issues in this respect. UV_REWEIGHT can also evaluate the scaling factor that should be applied to the weights to recover the apparent noise level. UV_PREVIEW requires a sufficient number of spectral channels for this purpose. By default, UV_REWEIGHT suffers from a similar restriction, and both commands may fail if the bandwidth is clobbered with spectral lines or has strong continuum. However, UV_REWEIGHT has a TIME mode where the noise is estimated from consecutive visibilities, and thus is not affected by this limitation.

The appropriate scaling factor can be specified in SELFCAL by variable SELF_SNOISE.